First off, I'm a hypocrite. I am a stickler for grammar and spelling when I'm reading other peoples work but when I'm typing I couldn't two shits. Number two, I like to randomly Capitalize things, I feel it makes those things more important. C, I haven't figured out what audience I am writing to yet so think of this as a strong PG-13 possibly R rated blog. Lastly, I will work hard at caring about the quality of my writing and improve my blogging regularly. I am open to criticism, if i don't agree, then fuck off (that's 1 of 2 F-words for the PG-13 rating.) That's how it works in the real world anyway.
I am new to this whole blogging idea. I don't know how to get people to read my stuff, I don't know how to make money or if you even can, I don't know if there are any important topics or types of things I should blog about nor do I know the standard length of a good blog.
I will look into more detail and expand tomorrow. I think I'll start with movies and music because that's common ground. Then work my way to interesting things I learn about life and stupid people because that's usually offensive and funny and I enjoy reading stuff like that so that means everyone does right? And lastly I will push everyone away with an open unbiased opinion on politics, NOT! I'm gonna verbally rip these crooks a new one. But I'm gonna work my way there. Hone my skill a bit. Take baby steps. Rope in a captivated audience. It's nice to dream big.
Stay Classy, Deuces, OUT.